Sunday, January 20, 2008

w00t 1st Post.

I dont post these that often but hell. Some things that have happened lately. I got the LG Voyager phone. Very Nice with the touch screen might I add. Just afraid I might end up breaking it. Also gotten back into the World Of Warcraft Raiding. Downing Vashj and Al'ar which was always nice. But back into school. Anymore its just wondering whats going on and what to do lol. But thats how things are. Just lately been hanging around the house and going to class. Although Ive missed the past 2 days of Math I know Ive been slacking. But hey its how things go. But yeah. Thats about the end of everything thats been going on aside Kristi asking for my # and Amanada's Parents hating me lol. But what else is new I suppose in my life lol.