Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Man....Updates Im Lazy.

So lately nothing has been going on >_> WHAT A SHOCKER!! O_O. But anyway I guess thats how its supposed to be anymore. Lately it seems so boring that there is no really good game thats out to play. Well aside Super Street Fighter on my Xbox. Big shocker there since I have never really gotten into a fighting game. So I finished WALL-E made me sorta happy. And since then nothing in the gaming world has gone down. Hell not even a good movie I have wanted to watch, well maybe Role Models. But otherwise I haven't head of anything else I wold want to watch. Then again Hell when do I have time to watch movies. Well....I guess I have a lot of free time I just never watch movies for some reason. And at least I got my loans all caught up. Made me feel a lot better and not even stressed about the whole situation. Pretty relaxing and shocking which is interesting. Hell its pretty funny when I even have a twitter now. And well shit less then an hour to go before Red Eye is going to be on ^_^ and we get to hear about teh Gregalog. Some funny stuff there but the sad thing is there is some seriousness all in all there. But I guess Im done here but leaving people on this one last note.

Why do people answer their phones when their sleeping? I mean wouldn't you think not answer it or put it on silent so you don't have to worry about it waking you up in the middle of the night? Or is that function on a phone put there for no reason at all so people can just sit and wonder what they are going to use it for. But all in alll it makes people wonder deep down inside if there really is someone out there who would give a shit when the person is sleeping. But people don't understand this concept.

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