Monday, February 16, 2015


Dysforia sucks. Period. Theres nothing fun about it. Lately its been hitting me harder then it ever has. Wait nope can't say that. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror for almost 2 weeks. But yesterday I saw something I never saw before. Boobs. They have been there since 2 weeks in on this journey. And I notice them a lot. But I looked into the mirror and I saw a guy with boobs. Not the girl that has been trying to break free. I saw just an average guy with boobs. I saw that and it ate at me a lot more then I thought it would. I can normally face the world and be good. But this time I wasn't it ate at me. It made me question things. It doesn't help my minds still all over from the group meeting I went to two weeks ago. I left there asking if I was good enough. Will I ever be good enough. What can I do differently? Am I trans enough. Why do I always have to sit next to the creepiest person here.

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