Sunday, April 12, 2009

When I stop being Lazy

There will be more blog posts. Im in somewhat of a slump in gaming. Got Bully and started grinding some GS out of it. Might I say its one of the better open world, Sandbox games I have played. Lot of fun just not really repetitive. The stuff is different in what you do. Well some of the quests and such. And going to class. Also got some of my items from a couple Low Ball Auctions I have bought some things. Picked up a Prey and Assassin's Creed for 17 shipped not a bad deal. But I also picked up some things from the Gamestop Game Days sale. Decent deals. Got the Namco Musuem collection and such. Haven't even played it. Also Picked up GH Aerosmith, and Command and Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath. All were sealed aside the Namco which was gutted /sigh. Sorta sucked but I knew I wsa going to play it.

Yesterday was pretty fun. Isaac's Mamma got married which was pretty fun to go to and have around. My mom was being an annoyance like only she knows how anymore since I am like never home but what more can I ask. During the ceremony i was thinking hell that will be me in some years. Waiting on my soon to be wife who was sitting next to me. Made me feel some emotions inside and get a little choked up but for the most part I was able to distract myself. And just that whole day was a lot of fun I guess because I never thought much about weddings and such since the last one I went to was years ago. Like 4-6 Years ago and I didnt tend to think long term. I guess I was just biding my time. But my woman was looking stunning and Im glad shes mine. I think after all is said and done its all good every day for me. Maybe this is the drive I might need to get a gaming day grinded out. Or a quick game.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Life is.....So Wonderful and Joyous

Ever been sad and depressed and know why but your too afraid to talk about it? Hell that's how I feel about 90% of the time when I show my emotions. People ask me whats wrong but Im just at a loss of words to say something and I feel when I do its not going to be what they want to hear. Although I tend to be blunt with people it doesn't matter when or help the situation with myself. I guess I feel bad because of the situation. Im sorry I have problems talking about my feelings and such. I feel bad because the woman thinks its her fault but in all fairness its not at all. Its just me when I start thinking about things. I guess I just want to be held when im this sad. Its like its a mix of everything hitting me. But on the same note I just want to get out of the funk. I guess I'll feel better in a couple hours when this is all said and done. And to think about this all, I wanted to be more upbeat on this blog...Oh well guess theres my next post for this.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

An Xbox Live Update For Anyone Reading

This was posted on my 360voice blog and im too lazy before work to come up with another post so Imma be a lazy ass and here it is MUHAHAHAHAHA

Well I haven't done one of these in a while. So yeah. Lately Im slowly inching closer to the 1% badge on 360 voice..Ill have it someday if my completionist habits can stop for a little while. I think thats going to happen now until I get that badge. I hope >_> I got a new phone today. Hell I dont even know what its called right now at the moment. Pretty bad isn't? But lately been boosting with Faff, Ichya, and hopefully Zero and I can get my 100 Hr achievement on C&C 3 then I can put that down for a while. Also was working on the Texas Hold 'Em Achievement for getting all the hands..Only the Royal Flush to go sigh. Then also been working just started on the Zombie Genocidist for Left 4 Dead. Made about 12-14k Zombie kills today. Boy do I love my Play and Charge. But for now. Thats all I have for now. Remember if your looking to boost in something I prolly have send me a FR and a message.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Just one word can describe how Im feeling right now. Wow week of my Birthday and oh wow its been on to remember this week so far. Aside my girlfriend getting me a kickass Jinx hoodie I think its been like a completely wasted fucking week. It seems like everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. It just pisses me off to the point of no end right now. I understand people want to spend time with me but on the same hand I don't if your ex is going to be coming over in a couple hours. Trust me thats all I had planned I wanted to do today. I didn't even want to play my Xbox.. Hell I brought over my work shirt and pants just so I could spend some more time with you. I know i left my pillow and such. Its just you know how I feel about certain things. What doesnt help is the idiotic Asian girl I know who would fucking lose her head if it wasnt attached. You tell the stupid shit something before she leaves and then says "Oh you never told me that" BULLFUCKING SHIT I FUCKING TOLD YOU BEFORE YOU WENT TO TEXAS TO SEE THE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER THAT CHEATED ON YOUR STUPID ASS WHILE YOU WERE HERE!!! But Jason knows nothing about anything. Of course not. Im just a fucking moron in this piece of shit place. I never know what I am talking about ever.... -_- Then your going to hang up on me just because Im getting loud with you. Remember NOT YELLING GETTING FUCKING LOUD. Because Im already in a pissed off mood and your doing nothing to help me from being that pissed the fuck off because of how much you have your head shoved up your ass? Seriously now.

But after writing this I feel a little better but I am still pissed off but not as bad as I was when I 1st started this. Oh and Happy Fucking April Fool's Day. Fucking bullshit of a piece of shit day. Who ever came up with this day need's shot. And shot again so we all know he is dead.

FYI: Babe I love you but you know how I feel about a lot of things. And why I left.